Some recent changes to the sprays
Hi Everyone!
It's been a few weeks now since we opened the new shop. Thank you all for your support, the feedback has been 100% positive which was really nice. Glad to hear that you are finding it much easier to use and navigate. One thing to remember is that if you were previously registered on the old shop you do need to create a new account on this one as your old log in details will not work.
We have made some adjustments to the range of sprays that we offer and had to take some difficult decisions about what to keep and what to let go. So, the following sprays will no longer be available I'm afraid: Tree of Life, Lemon Joy and Mary Magdalene Teaching & Anointing.
We have also changed a couple of recipes, Sunrise New Dawn and Lemon Joy were very similar sprays and we felt that we didn't need both of them. So we combined their crystal essences and going forward will use the Lemon Joy essential oils in this spray, so if Lemon Joy was a favourite of yours it's still there just going under a different name now.
Archangel Michael is another spray that's had a tweak. We think it's an improvement, see what you think! (The oils used can be found on the product page).
The Lime Heart Energy spray has also been tweaked, there is going to be a new two tone bottle for this eventually (pink and white) we have completely changed the blend in this one and it now contains the gorgeous smelling pink lotus blossom essential oil and has a rose quartz chip in the bottle too (see product page for full details).
We have some more surprises in store for you over the next few weeks as well so keep checking back for some fabulous new products we will be trialling. As always we welcome your feedback. Let us know what you think.
Finally, we are getting a lot of emails asking about the Metatron Oracle deck. Some, most of whom ordered direct from the publishers, have got theirs already. Other people who ordered from Amazon in various countries have had wildly varying delivery dates given to them. I'm afraid we have no control over any of it. We are also waiting for our own cards to be delivered. All we can say to you everything in divine timing! We do understand how frustrating the wait is though. Well that's all for now. Happy spraying!
Sending Love and Light
Tracy x